
Building Blocks of Digital Brilliance

Welcome to DigitalGenesis: Building Blocks of Digital Brilliance! This quarter introduces you to the foundational elements of digital marketing, covering key areas like website design, content creation, and search engine optimization. Through hands-on exercises and engaging modules, you'll build a strong base to excel in the digital world and unleash your creativity.

Program Features

Welcome to the first quarter of our program, “DigitalGenesis: Building Blocks of Digital Brilliance”! In this quarter, we embark on an exciting journey to lay the foundation for your future success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. Our intention is clear: to provide you with the essential building blocks necessary to thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape. Through a series of engaging modules and hands-on exercises, we will delve into the fundamental concepts of digital marketing, including website design, content creation and search engine optimization. We believe that establishing a strong foundation is paramount, as it forms the bedrock upon which all future knowledge and skills will be built. By understanding the importance of each component and mastering its implementation, you will be equipped with the tools needed to excel in the digital realm. Our ultimate purpose is to empower you to unleash your creativity, innovate with confidence, and embark on a journey towards digital brilliance. At the conclusion of this quarter, you will emerge with a solid understanding of digital marketing fundamentals, setting the stage for continued growth and success throughout the remainder of the program.

Purpose of the DigitalGenesis

The primary purpose of the DigitalGenesis in our training program is to equip participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to build a strong and visually appealing website that serves as a solid base for implementing various digital marketing techniques and technologies.

During this quarter, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of website designing principles, learning how to create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly websites. They will also develop expertise in visual designs, enabling them to craft engaging and impactful digital experiences for their audience. Moreover, participants will be introduced to the basics of content writing, learning how to create compelling and relevant content that effectively communicates brand messages and engages website visitors.

The outcome of the DigitalGenesis will be a beautifully designed website, fully prepared for search engine optimization (SEO). By the end of this quarter, participants will possess a fully functional website that acts as a powerful platform for the implementation of various digital marketing strategies, paving the way for further exploration of SEO techniques, social media marketing, content marketing, and other vital digital marketing approaches in the subsequent quarters.

Ultimately, the DigitalGenesis sets the participants on a path to success by providing them with the necessary skills and resources to build a strong online presence, ensuring they are well-prepared to leverage the potential of digital marketing and excel in the dynamic world of online business and marketing.

Objectives of the DigitalGenesis

  1. Website Design Fundamentals: To provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of website design principles, including layout, colour schemes, typography, and user interface, enabling them to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.
  2. Visual Design Skills: To equip participants with the necessary skills to design engaging and impactful visual elements for their websites, such as images, graphics, and icons, enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Content Writing Basics: To introduce participants to the fundamentals of content writing, teaching them how to create compelling and relevant content that effectively communicates brand messages and engages website visitors.
  4. Responsive Web Design: To ensure that participants can design websites that adapt seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes, enhancing user accessibility and user experience.
  5. Website Prototyping and Development: To enable participants to transform their design concepts into functional website prototypes, equipping them with the technical skills required to develop a website.
  6. SEO Readiness: To prepare participants to have skills, resources and website to have prerequisites to learn how optimize their websites for search engines, ensuring that their websites are well-positioned for higher visibility and ranking in search engine results.
  7. User-Centric Approach: To emphasize the importance of a user-centric approach in website design, encouraging participants to create websites that cater to the needs and preferences of their target audience.
  8. Quality Assurance and Testing: To instil in participants the practice of conducting quality assurance tests on their websites, identifying and resolving any issues or errors before launch.
  9. Time Management Skills: To develop time management skills in participants, enabling them to effectively plan, execute, and deliver website design projects within set timelines and budgets.
  10. Collaborative Teamwork: To foster a collaborative and creative environment, encouraging participants to work together in teams, exchanging ideas and feedback to enhance their website designs.
  11. Ethical and Legal Considerations: To raise awareness among participants about ethical and legal considerations in website design, ensuring compliance with copyright, privacy, and accessibility regulations.
  12. Presentation and Communication Skills: To enhance participants’ presentation and communication skills, enabling them to effectively communicate their design concepts and ideas to stakeholders and clients.

By the end of the DigitalGenesis, participants will have achieved the objectives of creating a beautifully designed website that is ready for search engine optimization. They will possess the essential skills and knowledge to proceed to the next phases of the training program, where they will explore advanced digital marketing techniques and technologies to further enhance their website’s performance and success.

  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Understanding the Digital Marketing Landscape
  • Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing Campaigns
  • Key Metrics and Analytics in Digital Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Content Writing
  • Crafting Compelling Headlines and Introductions
  • Writing Engaging Website Content
  • Optimizing Content for SEO
  • Content Marketing Strategies
  • Tools for Content Creation and Management
  • Introduction to Visual Design Principles
  • Creating Graphics and Images for Digital Marketing
  • Designing Social Media Posts and Graphics
  • Using Canva for Digital Marketing Design
  • Branding and Consistency in Visual Design
  • Understanding Landing Pages and Their Importance
  • Introduction to WordPress and Elementor
  • Designing Landing Pages for Conversions
  • Integrating Forms and Call-to-Actions
  • Optimizing Landing Pages for Performance
  • Importance of Quality Assurance in Web Development
  • Types of Testing in Web Development
  • Tools and Techniques for Web Testing
  • User Experience Testing
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing
  • Understanding Time Management Principles
  • Setting Priorities and Goals
  • Effective Task Planning and Scheduling
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • Time Management Tools and Techniques
  • Hands-on Project: Implementing Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Applying Concepts Learned in Previous Weeks
  • Guidance and Feedback from Instructors

Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 39,500.00--
Total AmountRs. 40,000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 40,000.00

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