Hands-on Training from Experts

Foundation Training in

Master Angular in 4 weeks with this hands-on course, from the basics of components and TypeScript to advanced topics like NgRx, RxJS, and app deployment. Build dynamic, scalable SPAs while gaining practical experience to tackle real-world challenges.

Program Features

Course Description

This 4-weeks course is a comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to take you from the fundamentals of Angular to advanced-level web application development. Covering all the essential aspects of this powerful JavaScript framework, the course is aimed at developers who want to build dynamic, scalable and maintainable single-page applications (SPAs).

The course begins by introducing the foundational concepts, including components, modules and TypeScript and then gradually moves toward more advanced topics like routing, forms, state management, observables with RxJS, HTTP client integration and unit testing. By the end of the course, participants will have hands-on experience in building complex applications, managing application state with NgRx, optimizing performance and deploying Angular apps. This course ensures that learners gain deep expertise in Angular and are prepared to tackle real-world development challenges.

Course Objectives

The primary intention of this Angular course is to provide participants with a complete, hands-on understanding of Angular, empowering them to develop dynamic, scalable, and maintainable web applications. By building from basic to advanced topics, the course aims to equip learners with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to effectively use Angular in real-world projects.

The course intends to:

  • Introduce Core Concepts: Establish a solid foundation by teaching the fundamentals of Angular, including components, modules, services and routing.
  • Develop Practical Skills: Offer hands-on experience in building single-page applications (SPAs), implementing forms, handling HTTP requests and managing application state.
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Day 1: Introduction to Angular
  • What is Angular?
  • History and evolution of Angular
  • Angular vs other frameworks
  • Setting up the Angular environment (Angular CLI, Node.js)
Day 2: Angular Project Structure
  • Overview of Angular project files and folders
  • Understanding the components of an Angular project
  • Modules, components, and templates
Day 3: TypeScript Basics for Angular
  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • Variables, data types and interfaces
  • Functions and classes in TypeScript
  • Benefits of using TypeScript in Angular
Day 4: Components in Angular
  • Creating and using Angular components
  • Component templates and styles
  • Component lifecycle hooks (ngOnInit, ngOnDestroy, etc.)
  • Data binding: Interpolation, property binding, event binding
Day 5: Directives and Pipes
  • Structural directives: *ngIf, *ngFor, *ngSwitch
  • Attribute directives: ngClass, ngStyle
  • Custom directives in Angular
  • Introduction to pipes and built-in pipes (date, currency, json)
  • Creating custom pipes
Day 6: Services and Dependency Injection (DI)
  • Introduction to services in Angular
  • Creating and injecting services
  • Using the @Injectable decorator
  • Dependency Injection (DI) mechanism in Angular
Day 7: Angular Routing (Part 1)
  • Introduction to Angular routing
  • Configuring routes in an Angular application
  • Router-outlet and router-links
  • Navigating between routes programmatically
Day 8: Angular Routing (Part 2)
  • Route guards: CanActivate, CanDeactivate
  • Lazy loading modules
  • Passing route parameters and querying strings
  • Handling invalid routes with wildcard routing
Day 9: Forms in Angular (Template-driven Forms)
  • Introduction to forms in Angular
  • Creating a template-driven form
  • Two-way data binding with ngModel
  • Form validation (required, pattern, min, max)
  • Displaying validation errors to users
Day 10: Reactive Forms in Angular
  • Introduction to reactive forms
  • Creating and managing form controls programmatically
  • Form groups and form arrays
  • Custom form validation and error handling
  • Async validation in reactive forms
Day 11: HTTP Client and RESTful APIs
  • Introduction to Angular’s HTTP client
  • Making HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
  • Handling API responses with Observables
  • Error handling for HTTP requests
  • Integrating RESTful APIs with Angular
Day 12: Observables and RxJS in Angular
  • Introduction to Reactive Extensions (RxJS)
  • Understanding Observables, Subjects and Operators
  • Using operators like map, filter, take, catchError
  • Handling asynchronous data streams in Angular
Day 13: State Management with NgRx (Part 1)
  • Introduction to state management concepts
  • Setting up NgRx in an Angular project
  • Understanding Redux architecture
  • Actions, Reducers and Stores
Day 14: State Management with NgRx (Part 2)
  • Dispatching actions and updating the store
  • Using selectors to read from the store
  • Effects for handling side effects
  • Best practices for state management in Angular
Day 15: Angular Animations
  • Introduction to Angular’s animation capabilities
  • Triggering animations in Angular
  • Keyframes and transitions
  • Creating reusable animations
  • Animation timing and easing functions
Day 16: Unit Testing in Angular
  • Introduction to testing in Angular
  • Setting up Jasmine and Karma
  • Writing unit tests for components, services and pipes
  • Using TestBed to configure the testing module
  • Mocking dependencies in unit tests
Day 17: End-to-End Testing with Protractor
  • Introduction to end-to-end (E2E) testing
  • Setting up Protractor for Angular applications
  • Writing E2E tests for user flows
  • Running and debugging E2E tests
  • Integrating E2E testing in the development workflow
Day 18: Performance Optimization Techniques
  • Best practices for optimizing Angular applications
  • Lazy loading and preloading modules
  • Change detection strategies
  • Using trackBy with ngFor to optimize rendering
  • Angular Universal for server-side rendering (SSR)
Day 19: Building and Deploying Angular Applications
  • Building Angular applications for production with ng build
  • Using Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation
  • Deploying Angular apps on platforms like Firebase, AWS and Heroku
  • Configuring environment variables for different builds
  • Using Docker for Angular deployment
Day 20: Angular Security Best Practices
  • Understanding security risks in web applications
  • Protecting against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Sanitizing user inputs in Angular
  • Implementing authentication and authorization
  • Securely handling tokens and API keys

Intended outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Master Angular Core Features: Master essential features like data binding, dependency injection and component lifecycle management. Efficiently work with Angular modules and routing to structure large-scale applications.
  • Handle Forms and HTTP Requests: Design and manage both template-driven and reactive forms with validation. Integrate RESTful APIs and third-party services using Angular’s HTTP client.
  • Utilize State Management and RxJS: Apply reactive programming principles with RxJS to handle asynchronous data streams. Manage application state effectively using NgRx and other state management libraries.
  • Implement Testing and Security: Write and execute unit tests for Angular components and services using Jasmine and Karma. Ensure security by applying best practices for input validation, authentication and authorization.
  • Optimize and Deploy Applications: Optimize performance using lazy loading, change detection strategies and Angular Universal for server-side rendering. Build and deploy Angular applications for production using tools like Docker, Firebase, AWS or Heroku.
  • Apply Best Practices in Angular Development: Implement clean, modular and reusable code adhering to industry standards. Focus on performance, maintainability and scalable code structure for large applications.
  • Complete a Real-World Project: Build a fully functional Angular application from scratch, integrating all the concepts learned during the course in a capstone project.
By the end of the course, participants will be confident in developing and deploying professional-level Angular applications, ready to apply their skills in real-world projects and advance their careers as front-end or full-stack developers.

Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 9500.00--
Total AmountRs. 10000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 10,000.00

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