Hands-on Training from Experts

Foundation Training in

This course offers a thorough exploration of Linux system administration, providing participants with essential skills to navigate both graphical and command-line interfaces. Designed for beginners, it covers over 200 commands, troubleshooting techniques, and preparation for the RHCSA EX-200 exam, enabling students to manage Linux systems effectively in various environments.

Program Features

Course Description

This course explores the various tools and techniques commonly used by Linux programmers, system administrators and end users to achieve their day-to-day work in a Linux environment. It is designed for computer users who have limited or no previous exposure to Linux, where her they are working in an individual or Enterprise environment. Upon completion of this training you should have a good working knowledge of Linux, from both a graphical and command line perspective, allowing you to easily navigate through any of the major Linux distributions. You will be able to continue your progress as a user, system administrator or developer using the acquired skill set.

Course Objectives

  • To introduce participants to Linux fundamentals, including command-line usage and graphical interface navigation.
  • To teach learners the essential skills needed for professional Linux system administration.
  • To prepare students for the Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) EX-200 exam.
  • To provide hands-on experience in managing CentOS and Redhat versions 7 and 8.
  • To enable participants to troubleshoot common Linux issues and perform system maintenance tasks.
  • To teach basic to advanced shell scripting for automating Linux system tasks.
  • To equip participants with the knowledge to manage Linux servers in a corporate environment.
  • What is Linux
  • Unix vs. Linux
  • Linux Distributions
  • What is Virtual Box
  • Downloading and Installing Oracle VirtualBox
  • Download and Install VMWare Player
  • Creating First Virtual Machine
  • Different Ways to Install Linux
  • Linux Installation (CentOS7 – Recommended)
  • Linux Installation (CentOS8)
  • Message for Redhat Installation
  • Redhat Linux Installation (Optional)
  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Installation (Optional)
  • CentOS vs. CentOS Stream
  • Take a snapshot of VM
  • Linux Desktop (GUI)
  • Virtual Machine Management
  • Linux vs. Windows
  • Who Uses Linux?
  • Keyboard Keys Used in Linux
  • Command Prompts and Getting Prompts Back
  • Accessing Linux System
  • Download and Install Putty
  • New Network Command (ifconfig and ip)
  • Connect Linux VM via Putty
  • Important Things to Remember in Linux
  • Introduction to Linux file System
  • File System Structure and Description
  • File system navigation commands (cd , ls, pwd)
  • What is root?
  • Absolute and Relative Paths
  • Directory Listing Attributes
  • Creating files & directories (touch, cp, vi, mkdir)
  • Copying directories
  • Linux File Types
  • Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)
  • Difference Between Find & Locate Commands
  • Changing Password
  • WildCards (*, ?, ^, [])
  • Soft and Hard Links (ln)
  • Linux Command Syntax
  • Files and Directory Permissions (chmod)
  • File Permissions Using Numeric Mode
  • File Ownership Commands (chown, chgrp)
  • Access Control List (ACL)
  • Help Commands
  • TAB Completion and Up Arrow Keys
  • Adding Text to Files
  • Input and Output Redirects
  • Standard Output to a File (tee command)
  • Pipes ( | )
  • File Maintenance Commands
  • File display commands
  • Filters / Text Processing Commands
  • cut – Text Processors Commands
  • awk – Text Processors Commands
  • grep/egrep – Text Processors Commands
  • sort/uniq – Text Processors Commands
  • wc – Text Processors Commands
  • Compare Files (diff and cmp)
  • Compress and uncompress (tar, gzip, gunzip)
  • Truncate File Size (truncate)
  • Combining and Splitting Files
  • Linux vs. Windows Commands
  • Linux File Editor (vi)
  • Difference between vi and vim Editors
    “sed” Command
  • User Account Management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel)
  • Enable Password Aging
  • Switch Users and Sudo Access (su, sudo)
  • Monitor Users (who, last, w, id)
  • Talking to Users (users, wall, write)
  • Linux Directory Service – Account Authentication
  • Difference between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc.
  • System Utility Commands (date, uptime, hostname, uname, which, cal, bc)
  • Processes, Jobs and Scheduling
  • systemctl command
  • ps command
  • top command
  • kill command
  • crontab command
  • at command
  • Additional cronjobs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Process Management (bg, fg, nice)
  • System Monitoring Commands (df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free, top)
  • System Logs Monitor (/var/log)
  • System Maintenance Commands
  • Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)
  • Finding System Information
  • Finding System Architecture (arch)
  • Terminal Control Keys
  • Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script)
  • Recover Root Password (single user mode)
  • SOS Report
  • Environment Variables
  • Special permissions – setuid, setgid ,tick bit
  • Linux Kernel
  • What is a Shell?
  • Types of Shells
  • Shell Scripting
  • Basic Shell Scripts
  • Input and Output of Script
  • if-then Scripts
  • for Loop Scripts
  • do-while Scripts
  • Case Statement Scripts
  • Check Remote Servers Connectivity
  • Aliases (alias)
  • User and Global Aliases
  • Shell History (history)
  • Enable Internet on Linux VM
  • Network Components
  • Network Files and Commands
    (Ping, ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, netstat, tcpdump)
  • NIC Information (ethtool)
  • NIC or Port Bonding
  • New Network Utilities (nmtui, nmcli, nm-connection-editor and GNOME Settings)
  • Downloading Files or Apps (wget)
  • curl and ping commands
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • SCP – Secure Copy Protocol
  • rsync – Remote Synchronization
  • System Updates and Repos (rpm, yum)
  • System Upgrade and Patch Management
  • Create Local Repository from CD/DVD
  • Advance Package Management
  • Rollback Patches and Updates
  • SSH and Telnet
  • DNS – Download, Install & Configure
  • Hostname or IP Lookup (nslookup and dig)
  • Network Time Protocol (ntp)
  • chronyd (New Version of NTP)
  • New System Utility Command (timedatectl)
  • Sendmail
  • Web Server (Apache – HTTP)
  • Central Logger (rsyslog)
  • Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)
  • OpenLDAP Installation
  • Tracing Network Traffic (traceroute)
  • Open image file through command Line
  • Configure and Secure SSH
  • SSH Keys Access remote server without pswd
  • Linux Web-Based Administration (cockpit)
  • Firewall
  • Tune System Performance (tuned, nice & renice)
  • Run Containers
  • Kickstart (Automate Linux Installation)
  • DHCP Server
  • System Run Levels (0 thru 6)
  • Computer Boot Process
  • Linux Boot Process
  • Message of the Day
  • Customize Message of the Day
  • Storage
  • Disk Partition (df, fdisk)
  • Add Disk and Create Standard Partition
  • Logical Volume Management (LVM)
  • LVM Configuration During Installation
  • Add Disk and Create New LVM Partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate,)
  • Extend Disk using LVM
  • Adding Swap Space
  • Advance Storage Management with Stratis
  • RAID
  • File System Check (fsck and xfs_repair)
  • System Backup (dd Command)
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • Samba Installation and Configuration
  • NAS Drive for NFS or Samba
  • SATA and SAS
  • Difference Between CentOS/Redhat 5, 6 and 7
  • Difference Between CentOS/RHEL 7 and 8
  • Downloading Files or Apps (wget)
  • curl and ping commands
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • SCP – Secure Copy Protocol
  • rsync – Remote Synchronization
  • System Updates and Repos (rpm, yum)
  • System Upgrade and Patch Management
  • Create Local Repository from CD/DVD
  • Advance Package Management
  • Rollback Patches and Updates
  • SSH and Telnet
  • DNS – Download, Install & Configure
  • Hostname or IP Lookup (nslookup and dig)
  • Network Time Protocol (ntp)
  • chronyd (New Version of NTP)
  • New System Utility Command (timedatectl)
  • Sendmail

Intended outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Navigate and operate in a Linux environment using both graphical and command-line interfaces.
  2. Apply over 200 Linux system administration commands for managing and maintaining Linux systems.
  3. Install, configure, and manage Linux servers in a professional setting.
  4. Troubleshoot Linux-related issues and perform essential system maintenance tasks.
  5. Develop and write basic to advanced shell scripts to automate Linux tasks.
  6. Prepare for and pass the Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) EX-200 exam.
  7. Understand and apply advanced Linux system administration concepts for managing CentOS and Redhat systems.

Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 9500.00--
Total AmountRs. 10000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 10,000.00

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