Hands-on Training from Experts

Foundation Training in
Programming in C

Explore the fundamentals and power of the C programming language in our comprehensive course. From building a strong foundation in syntax and concepts to mastering advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner or experienced coder, join us to unlock the full potential of C and enhance your programming capabilities.

Program Features

Course Description

The course is designed to provide complete knowledge of C language. Students will be able to develop logics which will help them to create programs, applications in C. Also by learning the basic programming constructs they can easily switch over to any other language in future. After completion of this course, you will be confident about creating a new program. This course covers all the basic concepts of C practically and theoretically. This course also strictly covers the academic syllabus of C for computer science students. Programming is a process of creating a set of instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task. When you come to programming Language as beginners, C is an excellent choice. C is beginning point learning of programming of any language to understand syntax, structures, loops, and functions. Mainly form in C. In the short term, we say that C is the base of all programming languages. This course helps to understand the fundamental of computer Theories easily. C coding is simple, elegant.

  • Understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language
  • Make yourself more marketable for entry level programming positions
  • Create your first C Application
  • Learn one of the most popular, widely used languages in the world
  • Understand variables and the different data type
  • Apply for real-time programming positions
  • Understand the core language that most modern languages are based on
  • Learn how to write high-quality code
  • Get Knowledge of Basic Fundamental used in C
  • How to use Loop in C program
  • Difference between void and int
  • Why we give preference int
  • How to Draw Different Pattern in C
  • Why we use the break statement
  • Difference between call by value and call by reference
  • What is Referencing and Dereferencing in pointer
  • How to write a program using pointer
  • How to use the structure with an array

This training program in C programming is open to a wide range of individuals, including:

  1. Beginners: If you have little to no prior experience with programming or C, this course is an excellent starting point. You’ll learn the basics and gradually progress to more advanced topics.
  2. Students: This program is suitable for students studying computer science or related fields who want to gain a solid understanding of C programming, which is often taught in academic courses.
  3. Aspiring Developers: If you aspire to become a software developer or engineer, learning C is a great choice, as it forms the basis for many other programming languages and systems.
  4. Experienced Programmers: Even if you’re an experienced programmer in other languages and want to expand your skill set, this course can provide a comprehensive introduction to C and its unique features.
  5. IT Professionals: IT professionals looking to improve their programming skills or those working in roles related to system development or embedded programming will benefit from this training.
  6. Engineers and Scientists: Engineers and scientists often use C for scientific computing, simulations, and embedded systems development. This course can help them master the language for their specific needs.
  7. Career Changers: If you’re considering a career change into the field of software development, this course can give you a strong foundation in C, making you a competitive candidate for entry-level programming positions.
  8. Self-Learners: Individuals who enjoy self-directed learning can use this course as a structured resource to master C programming at their own pace.
  9. Hobbyists and Enthusiasts: If you have a personal interest in programming or tinkering with electronics, C is a valuable skill to have, and this course can help you get started.

In summary, this training program is designed to accommodate a diverse range of participants, from beginners to experienced programmers, with the goal of providing a strong foundation in C programming.

Programming in C is considered an important skill for several reasons:

  1. Low-Level Understanding: C is a low-level programming language, which means it offers a deeper insight into how a computer’s hardware operates. Understanding C allows programmers to have more control over memory management, which is essential in systems programming and optimizing code for performance.
  2. Portability: C code is highly portable. Programs written in C can often be easily adapted to different platforms and operating systems with minimal modifications. This is crucial for developing software that can run on a variety of systems.
  3. Efficiency: C is known for its efficiency in terms of both execution speed and memory usage. It allows for fine-grained control over resources, making it suitable for developing resource-intensive applications like operating systems, compilers, and embedded systems.
  4. Legacy Code: Many existing software systems and libraries are written in C. Having C programming skills is essential for maintaining and extending legacy codebases, especially in industries like aerospace, automotive, and industrial control systems.
  5. Embedded Systems: C is the language of choice for developing embedded systems. These systems are prevalent in everyday devices, such as microcontrollers in appliances, cars, and consumer electronics. Knowledge of C is fundamental for working in this field.
  6. Foundation for Other Languages: Learning C provides a strong foundation for understanding & mastering other programming languages. Many modern programming languages, including C++, C# & Java have C as their base or share syntactical similarities with C.
  7. System Programming: If you’re interested in system-level programming, C is indispensable. It’s the language of choice for building operating systems, device drivers, and kernel-level software.
  8. Security: C is often used for security-critical applications because it offers control over memory management and system-level operations. A deep understanding of C is essential for writing secure and reliable software.
  9. Learning Experience: Learning C can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It forces programmers to understand how computers work at a fundamental level, which can lead to better problem-solving skills and a deeper understanding of software development principles.
  10. Job Opportunities: Proficiency in C can open up a wide range of job opportunities, particularly in industries that rely on C for performance, control, and reliability. Knowledge of C can make you a competitive candidate for roles in software development, system programming, and embedded systems engineering.

In summary, programming in C is an important skill because it provides a strong foundation for understanding computer systems, is essential in various industries, and offers a level of control and efficiency that is highly valuable in many applications.

C Programming: Its Applications Across Industries and Beyond

C programming is widely used by both companies and individuals in various domains due to its versatility, efficiency, and low-level control. Here are some common areas where C programming is actively used:
  1. Operating Systems Development: C is the primary language for developing operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. Kernel-level code and system utilities are often written in C.
  2. Embedded Systems: C is the go-to language for programming embedded systems found in devices like microcontrollers, IoT devices, industrial automation systems, and consumer electronics.
  3. System Software: Device drivers, firmware, and BIOS/UEFI code are typically written in C to interact with hardware components and peripherals.
  4. Compilers and Interpreters: The tools used to develop and compile other programming languages are often written in C. This includes compilers like GCC and interpreters like Python’s CPython.
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  • Types of Languages
  • Evolution of ‘C’ Language
  • Structure of a ‘C’ Program’
  • C Program development life cycle
  • Executing and Debugging a ‘C’ Program
  • Keywords and Identifiers
  • Operators
  • Constants
  • Variables
  • Data Types
  • Precedence of Operators
  • Scope and Life time of Variables
  • Decision Making using if statement
  • Types of if …else block
  • Switch case Block
  • Arithmetic Expressions
  • Evaluation of Expressions
  • GOTO statement
  • Concept of Loop
  • For loop
  • While loop
  • Do while loop
  • Jumping in Loop
  • break and continue statement
  • Introduction of Array
  • One – D Array
  • Two – D Array
  • Multidimensional Array
  • Dynamic Arrays
  • Implementing String Variables
  • String handling Functions
  • Concept of Function
  • User defined Function
  • System Defined Function
  • Types of parameter passing in function
  • Need of Pointers
  • Types of Pointers
  • Pointer Expression
  • Arrays of Pointers
  • Pointers and Functions
  • Need of Structure
  • Implementing Structure Variable
  • Arrays of Structure
  • Structure within Structure
  • Introduction of Unions
  • Difference between Structure and Unions
  • Opening and Closing File
  • Input / Output operations on File
  • Random Access to Files
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Concept of Dynamic Allocation
  • Implementing Malloc and Calloc Functions
  • Releasing the free space
  • Introduction of Storage Class
  • Types of Storage Classes
  • Introduction of Pre-processor
  • Macro Substitution | File Inclusion

Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 9500.00--
Total AmountRs. 10,000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 10,000.00

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