Hands-on Training from Experts

Foundation Training in

This 4-week intensive Django course teaches participants how to build scalable, secure web applications from scratch. Covering both foundational and advanced topics, students will gain hands-on experience with Django's powerful features, including RESTful APIs and deployment.

Program Features

Course Description

This 4-weeks intensive course on the Django Python Framework is designed to take participants from beginner to advanced levels of web development. Participants will learn how to build scalable, secure and maintainable web applications using Django, a powerful and flexible web framework. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, the course will cover everything from the foundational principles of Django to advanced topics such as custom user models, internationalization, RESTful APIs and deployment.

Course Objectives

The main intention of this course is to equip participants with a deep understanding of the Django framework and how to apply it in building professional-grade web applications. Key objectives include:

  • Providing a solid foundation in Django’s architecture and core components.
  • Gradually introducing intermediate and advanced concepts to make students proficient in both the backend and frontend aspects of Django.
  • Helping participants understand how to integrate third-party libraries and APIs, handle user authentication and manage database models efficiently.
  • Enabling participants to deploy Django applications, ensuring they follow security best practices and performance optimization techniques.
  • What is Django?
  • Django architecture (MTV pattern)
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Installing Django, Python basics refresher
  • Understanding the project and app structure
  • Creating a new Django project
  • Django settings and configuration
  • Running the development server
  • Introduction to views and URL routing
  • Creating simple views
  • Django’s URL dispatcher
  • Template basics: Using HTML with Django
  • Introduction to Django models
  • Setting up and configuring databases (SQLite)
  • Defining models and fields
  • Basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • Setting up the Django admin panel
  • Customizing the admin interface
  • Adding models to the admin
  • Introduction to Django forms
  • Creating and handling forms
  • Validating form data
  • Rendering forms in templates
  • Model relationships (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many)
  • Querysets and model managers
  • Model inheritance
  • Managing static files (CSS, JavaScript)
  • Serving media files (images, videos)
  • File uploads in Django
  • Introduction to CBVs
  • Creating and customizing class-based views
  • Generic views and mixins
  • Template inheritance and blocks
  • Template tags and filters
  • Best practices for template design
  • Introduction to custom user models
  • Creating custom user models using AbstractUser and AbstractBaseUser
  • Managing user authentication with custom models
  • Adding user profile data (One-to-One relationship with the user model)
  • User authentication in Django
  • Login, logout and user registration
  • Managing user sessions
  • Permission and authorization system
  • Introduction to Django signals
  • Creating custom signals
  • Understanding and using middleware
  • Creating custom middleware
  • Introduction to APIs and Django REST Framework
  • Setting up DRF in a Django project
  • Serializers and model-based views
  • Creating basic API endpoints
  • Authentication and permissions in DRF
  • Testing and consuming API
  • Introduction to internationalization (i18n) in Django
  • Translating Django applications using gettext and ugettext
  • Setting up multiple languages in Django
  • Handling time zones and localization
  • Writing unit tests in Django
  • Testing views, models, and forms
  • Using Django’s test client
  • Continuous Integration (CI) with Django
  • Preparing Django apps for production
  • Deploying on cloud services (Heroku, AWS, etc.)
  • Configuring Gunicorn and Nginx
  • Database setup (PostgreSQL in production)
  • Common security threats (SQL Injection, CSRF, XSS)
  • Django security best practices
  • Implementing HTTPS, secure cookies, and more
  • Building a complete web application using Django
  • Applying advanced features such as DRF, WebSockets, authentication
  • Deploying the project to a cloud server

Intended outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand Django’s Architecture: Develop a comprehensive understanding of Django’s Model-Template-View (MTV) pattern, app structure and configurations.
  2. Manage User Authentication: Implement custom user models for user registration, authentication and permissions, enabling secure user management.
  3. Handle Internationalization and Localization: Configure Django projects to support multiple languages and time zones, making applications globally accessible.
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Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 9500.00--
Total AmountRs. 10000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 10,000.00

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