Hands-on Training from Experts

Foundation Training in

This 4-week course offers a deep dive into MongoDB for web development, progressing from NoSQL fundamentals to advanced topics like indexing, sharding, and cloud deployment with MongoDB Atlas. Participants will gain hands-on experience building and optimizing MongoDB-powered web applications.

Program Features

Course Description

This 4-weeks course provides a comprehensive deep dive into MongoDB, tailored specifically for web development. Designed for developers looking to integrate MongoDB into modern web applications, the curriculum progresses from the fundamentals of NoSQL databases and basic CRUD operations to advanced topics such as indexing, aggregation, transactions, sharding and cloud deployment with MongoDB Atlas. Each week builds on the previous one, ensuring participants gain hands-on experience in creating, managing and optimizing MongoDB-powered web applications.

Course Objectives

The primary intention of this course is to equip participants with a solid foundation in MongoDB, allowing them to confidently incorporate this powerful NoSQL database into their web development projects. The course aims to provide:

  • A deep understanding of MongoDB’s architecture, schema design and its advantages over traditional SQL databases.
  • Practical knowledge of CRUD operations, data modeling and the aggregation framework for efficient data manipulation.
  • Expertise in using MongoDB for web application scenarios, including user authentication, data relationships and performance optimization.
  • Experience in deploying MongoDB applications in real-world, cloud-based environments such as MongoDB Atlas, with a focus on security, backup strategies and scalability.
By the end of this course, participants will be well-prepared to use MongoDB as the database for robust, secure and scalable web applications.
Day 1: Introduction to NoSQL and MongoDB
  • Understanding NoSQL databases and differences from SQL
  • What is MongoDB? Features and Use Cases
  • Setting up MongoDB (Locally and in the Cloud)
  • MongoDB Compass Overview
Day 2: MongoDB Architecture
  • Introduction to Documents and Collections
  • MongoDB Schema Design and Data Models
  • BSON: The Binary JSON format used by MongoDB
  • MongoDB Data Types (Strings, Numbers, Arrays, Documents)
Day 3: CRUD Operations in MongoDB
  • Creating Databases and Collections
  • Inserting Documents (insertOne, insertMany)
  • Querying Documents with find and findOne
  • Updating Documents (updateOne, updateMany)
Day 4: Deleting Documents and Collections
  • Deleting Single and Multiple Documents
  • Dropping Collections and Databases
  • Bulk Write Operations
Day 5: MongoDB Query Operators
  • Comparison Operators ($eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, etc.)
  • Logical Operators ($and, $or, $not, $nor)
  • Array and Element Operators ($in, $nin, $exists, $size)

Day 6: Indexing in MongoDB

  • Importance of Indexes for Performance
  • Creating Indexes (createIndex)
  • Compound Indexes, Unique Indexes, and Sparse Indexes
  • Understanding the explain() Function for Query Optimization

Day 7: Aggregation Framework – Part 1

  • Introduction to Aggregation Pipelines
  • Common Aggregation Stages ($match, $group, $sort, $limit)
  • Performing Calculations with $sum, $avg, $min, $max
  • Filtering and Transforming Data in Aggregation

Day 8: Aggregation Framework – Part 2

  • Lookup Operations ($lookup) for Joining Collections
  • Working with Arrays using $unwind
  • Data Transformation with $project
  • Grouping and Sorting Data in Aggregation

Day 9: Working with Embedded Documents

  • Understanding Embedded Documents and Arrays
  • Querying Nested Data
  • Updating and Deleting Nested Documents
  • When to Use Embedded Documents vs. References

Day 10: Relationships in MongoDB

  • Modeling One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many Relationships
  • Using References ($ref) in MongoDB
  • Denormalization in MongoDB for Performance Optimization

Day 11: MongoDB Transactions

  • What Are Transactions and Why Use Them?
  • Multi-Document ACID Transactions
  • Implementing Transactions in MongoDB
  • Use Cases for Transactions in NoSQL

Day 12: MongoDB Aggregation: Advanced Concepts

  • Advanced Operators in Aggregation Framework ($concat, $substr, $toDate)
  • Working with Dates and Time Data in MongoDB
  • Handling Big Data Aggregations and Optimizing Pipelines

Day 13: MongoDB Security

  • Securing MongoDB Instances
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in MongoDB
  • Encryption at Rest and in Transit
  • Managing MongoDB Users and Roles

Day 14: Sharding in MongoDB

  • Introduction to Sharding for Horizontal Scalability
  • Configuring a Sharded Cluster
  • Query Routing and Shard Keys
  • Best Practices for Sharding

Day 15: Replication in MongoDB

  • Introduction to Replica Sets for High Availability
  • Configuring Replica Sets
  • Failover and Recovery in Replica Sets
  • Monitoring and Managing Replica Sets

Day 16: Working with MongoDB in Cloud (MongoDB Atlas)

  • Introduction to MongoDB Atlas
  • Setting Up and Configuring MongoDB Clusters in the Cloud
  • Backups, Snapshots, and Automated Scaling in Atlas
  • MongoDB Atlas Pricing and Free Tier

Day 17: MongoDB with Programming Languages (Node.js, Python)

  • Integrating MongoDB with Node.js using Mongoose
  • Performing CRUD Operations in Node.js
  • Using MongoDB with Python (PyMongo)
  • Practical Use Cases and Code Examples

Day 18: MongoDB Performance Tuning

  • Monitoring MongoDB Performance (Profiling, Logs)
  • Query Optimization Techniques
  • Scaling MongoDB Reads and Writes
  • Using Caching for Performance Improvement

Day 19: Backup and Restore Strategies

  • MongoDB Backup Methods (mongodump, mongorestore)
  • Snapshot-based Backups in MongoDB Atlas
  • Recovery Strategies in MongoDB
  • Disaster Recovery Planning for MongoDB Applications

Day 20: Capstone Project and Final Assessment

  • Building a Real-World Application using MongoDB
  • Applying CRUD Operations, Aggregations, Indexing and Relationships
  • Deploying the Application on MongoDB Atlas or a Local Server
  • Performance Tuning and Security Implementation

Intended outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand MongoDB Architecture: Grasp the key concepts of MongoDB such as collections, documents, BSON data formats and how they differ from traditional SQL-based databases.
  • Master CRUD Operations: Perform essential database operations including creating, querying, updating and deleting data and understand how to efficiently model and store data in MongoDB for web applications.
  • Utilize Indexing and Aggregation: Learn how to create indexes for performance improvement and use MongoDB’s powerful aggregation framework for data filtering, sorting, and transforming, which is crucial for advanced data manipulation.
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Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 9500.00--
Total AmountRs. 10000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 10,000.00

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