Hands-on Training from Experts

Foundation Training in

This 4-week course provides a comprehensive understanding of Node.js, from foundational concepts to advanced topics like building RESTful APIs with Express.js and integrating MongoDB. Participants will gain hands-on experience in creating scalable, high-performance server-side applications using Node.js's event-driven architecture.

Program Features

Course Description

This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Node.js, an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that enables developers to build scalable and high-performance web applications. This 4-weeks course covers the foundational concepts of Node.js, its core modules and the Express.js framework, guiding learners from basic to advanced levels. Participants will gain hands-on experience in creating server-side applications, building RESTful APIs and integrating with databases like MongoDB.

Course Objectives

The primary intention of this course is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop robust server-side applications using Node.js and Express.js. By the end of the course, learners will be able to understand and leverage Node.js’s asynchronous, event-driven architecture, enabling them to build real-time applications that can handle multiple concurrent connections efficiently. The course aims to foster an interactive learning environment through practical exercises, real-world projects, and collaborative discussions.

Day 1: Overview of Node.js
  • What is Node.js?
  • Benefits and use cases
  • Understanding the event-driven model
Day 2: Setting Up the Development Environment
  • Installing Node.js and npm
  • Setting up IDEs (e.g., VS Code)
  • Understanding Node.js directory structure
Day 3: Introduction to npm
  • What is npm?
  • Installing and managing packages
  • Creating and managing a package.json file
Day 4: Creating Your First Node.js Application
  • Writing a simple “Hello World” app
  • Understanding how to run Node.js applications
  • Introduction to the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
Day 5: Node.js Architecture
  • Overview of the V8 engine
  • Understanding the event loop and how it works
  • Single-threaded vs. multi-threaded

Day 6: Exploring Built-in Modules

  • Introduction to core modules (fs, http, path, etc.)
  • Using the ‘fs’ module to read/write files
  • Setting up a basic web server with the ‘http’ module

Day 7: Understanding Callbacks

  • What are callbacks?
  • Callback hell and how to manage it
  • Practice with callback functions

Day 8: Introduction to Promises

  • Understanding Promises and their states
  • Converting callback-based code to Promise-based code
  • Handling errors in Promises

Day 9: Async/Await

  • Introduction to async functions
  • Using await to handle asynchronous code
  • Combining async/await with error handling

Day 10: Event-driven Architecture

  • Understanding events and the EventEmitter class
  • Creating custom events
  • Practical examples of using EventEmitter

Day 11: Introduction to Express.js

  • What is Express.js?
  • Setting up an Express server
  • Understanding middleware in Express

Day 12: Routing in Express

  • Creating routes and handling different HTTP methods
  • Dynamic routes and route parameters
  • Error handling in routes

Day 13: Handling Requests and Responses

  • Understanding request and response objects
  • Sending different types of responses (JSON, HTML, etc.)
  • Parsing request bodies using middleware (body-parser)

Day 14: Serving Static Files

  • Serving static assets (CSS, JS, images)
  • Using the ‘express.static’ middleware
  • Directory structure for serving static files

Day 15: Building RESTful APIs

  • Introduction to REST principles
  • Designing a simple RESTful API
  • Implementing CRUD operations

Day 16: Connecting to a Database

  • Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Setting up a MongoDB database
  • Connecting Node.js with MongoDB using Mongoose

Day 17: Performing CRUD Operations with Mongoose

  • Creating a Mongoose model
  • Implementing Create, Read, Update, Delete operations
  • Validating data with Mongoose schemas

Day 18: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Understanding common errors in Node.js
  • Best practices for error handling
  • Using debugging tools (Node Inspector, console logs)

Day 19: Introduction to Testing

  • Importance of testing in Node.js applications
  • Setting up a testing environment (Mocha and Chai)
  • Writing and running unit tests

Day 20: Best Practices and Performance Optimization

  • Code organization and modularization
  • Caching strategies and optimizing performance
  • Security best practices for Node.js applications


Intended outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand Node.js Architecture: Explain the core concepts of Node.js, including the event-driven model and the V8 engine and how they contribute to performance and scalability.
  • Develop Web Applications: Build, configure, and deploy web applications using Node.js and Express.js, following best practices in coding and application structure.
  • Implement RESTful APIs: Design and implement RESTful APIs that facilitate client-server communication, utilizing HTTP methods effectively for CRUD operations.
  • Integrate with Databases: Connect and interact with MongoDB using Mongoose, performing essential database operations and data validation.
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Tuition & Investment

Enrollment AmountRegistration AmountNo. of Installments
Rs. 500.00Rs. 9500.00--
Total AmountRs. 10000.00
Fee w.e.f. June 2024 | This fee structure is for limited time and subject to revised up

Schedule and Enrollment

Monday to Friday | 5 Days a Week Classes | Weekdays

Limited Seats | Apply Now

Rs. 10,000.00

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